Making your video stand out on social media

Social Media

Video is quickly becoming the undisputed king of the social media content jungle, so how does your company get on the bandwagon and start promoting itself effectively on the different platforms using video?

To do, or not to do?

Getting it right can mean your business grabs attention from competitors and becomes associated with engaging, insightful, and useful content. But badly made content or no call to action at the end, and the results being very different – yet the good news is that does not have to be the case.

Tell your social media viewers where you want them to go next

The first step to generating good results with video on social media is a clear call to action (hereby known as a CTA). With this, you are asking your audience to take affirmative action – to sign up to your newsletter, download an e-book, or request a demo for an example. You can even keep it simpler at first, simply by asking viewers to subscribe to your channel.

Tips for getting started

Although coming up with engaging content and actually going ahead and producing the videos of the right quality can seem like a daunting task, here are some simple tips to help with that.

  1. Do your homework and study other top-performing content to see how it is done
  2. What are your competitors doing?
  3. Shortlist interviews and other content that could make for engaging viewing
  4. Make it fun – not all content has to (and nor should it) continuously try to sell

Getting with the times

Remember, video is not a novelty on social media anymore – you are joining the crowd, not revolutionizing it. It is vital to be engaging and/or funny to stand out, and most of all there has to be a purposeful call to action at the end and is correctly targeted to the people who could become your potential customers.

DIY with a twist

You can make videos from your smartphone – but do supplement it with a few other cheap and easy to obtain bits of kit to go from amateur to professional very quickly. Grab a tripod, some lighting, and a microphone to immediately make your videos look more professional and optimize picture and sound.

Do not fly blind

Once you have done the hard bit and made your videos, be sure to also monitor their performance across the different networks so you can see what is working and what is not – do not fly blind when making your next round of content. Good luck!

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