Infographic: State Of Piracy In Digital Media

State Of Piracy In Digital Media

Piracy has been increasing over the years with more and more pirated contents are easily accessible than ever. The ease of finding pirated content over Internet and able to get them free or for a fraction of cost than the original, means more people are resorting to piracy without fully understanding how negatively their action affect the creators and developers.

Here is an infographic by Arxan Technologies highlighting the current state of piracy in digital media.

Digital media piracy is on the rise. New tools are being introduced making it easier than ever to gain access to pirated movies, music, ebooks, and more. In 2014 alone, it’s estimated that the unmonetized value of pirated digital media assets reached $109,000,000,000. Yes, $109 Billion! Our goal is to lower this colossal number by educating digital media professionals on effective ways to combat piracy.

State Of Piracy In Digital Media

State Of Piracy In Digital Media

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