In Spite of Scam, Facebook not closing today



The best effort from the online scammers and the dreams of its competitors- Facebook is not closing today reported msnbc news.

The scam is currently spreading through Facebook; hitting accounts with a prophetic message that social networking giant is shutting its doors, the security firm Sophos reported. Facebook is closing all accounts today. They cant handle so many accounts, the messages reads. Most of the old accounts are not active, so they are deleting everything.

Then comes the bait: In order to make sure your account stays alive, the message informs the users they must confirm they are Facebook users, otherwise the account will be automatically trashed. Users who click to link protect their accounts are redirected to a rogue third-party app that tries to access users account information, including names, pictures and user IDs. While many Facebook users be savvy enough to avoid this lure, there are some victims whose social networking addiction, and the fear of losing their online social circles, will get the best of them.

The sad thing here is many Facebook users who can be fooled by a cunning piece of social engineering like this, as their addiction to the Worlds most popular networking site is killing off accounts, said Sophos.

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