How To Use Alerts On iPhone 6 Plus

How To Use Alerts On iPhone 6 Plus

Learn how to get alerts on your iPhone 6 Plus. Alerts let you know about important events. They can appear briefly at the top of the screen, or remain in the center of the screen until you acknowledge them.

Some apps may include a badge on their Home screen icon, to let you know how many new items awaitfor example, the number of new email messages. If theres a problemsuch as a message that couldnt be sentan exclamation mark icon appears on the badge. On a folder, a numbered badge indicates the total number of notifications for all the apps inside.

Alerts can also appear on the Lock screen.

Respond to an alert without leaving your current app. Pull down on the alert when it appears at the top of your screen.

Note: This feature works with text and email messages, calendar invitations, and more.

Note: Refer here for more information on iPhone 6 Plus.

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