Disney Movies Anywhere Service Comes To Android

Disney Movies Anywhere Service Comes To Android
Disney Movies Anywhere Service Comes To Android

Disney unveiled its digital movie service coming to Android now; its already on iOS released earlier this year.

For users it’s apparently as seamless as can be; as long as they have a Disney account, any movies they unlock will be viewable on either family of devices (or the DMA website). The agreement covers access to around 400 Disney, Pixar, and Marvel movies, and to make the sign-up worth your while, Disney is throwing in a free copy of Wreck-it Ralph for anyone that signs up and links an account.

Going cross-platform makes Disney’s KeyChest-based system much more appealing and conveniently timed for the launch of Nexus Player / Android TV. The Android app isn’t live yet, but you can check out a demo video for now.


Amarnath Natarajan

I am a freelance programmer and tech enthusiast. In my spare time I contribute to this website.

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