Counter And Strike


Counter And Strike

Have you ever been pwned in Counter Strike, here is how to counter and strike? Follow the simple steps below

Always buy armor and plenty of ammo, to last you the round. For guns, a M4A1 or an AK-47 (called CV-47 in-game) is generally good to go with. You may find grenades useful, although they take some practice to use effectively.

If you are going to drop a gun for a better weapon, always empty all of the ammo out of it first so the enemy cannot use it if they pick it up.

Don’t be too cocky, stay a bit behind your teammates, and work with them, e.g. covering them.

When your teammate is having trouble killing an enemy and you can easily kill them, always try to knife them. Your teammate will distract them while you own them.

Try to shoot at enemies knees, the recoil of your gun will make your shots hit their head resulting in an instant kill.

Use a silencer if your guns have the option (right click). This will make it harder for enemies to hear you shooting and know where you are, though it reduces the amount of damage it does.

Walk (by holding shift) if you think an enemy may be near. If you run normally, your footsteps can be heard.

If there is a tall object that you cannot jump over, crouch jump using the crouch button and the jump button. Note that this is may be difficult, but pro players master this jump without using scripts.

Learn how to use your radar (top left corner) to check for teammates, e.g. if you hear footsteps and are unsure if it is from a teammate or enemy.

If you are trying to get past a sniper, throw a smoke grenade on them. Here is the rule of thumb of Counter-Strike: If you can’t see them, they can’t see you (unless of course your enemy is running counter strike in 16-bit mode in which case they can see through smoke).

If you are getting shot through a wall, box, or door, remember to stay still. If you move, they will hear your footsteps and they will know for sure where you are. If you do not move, they will probably stop shooting eventually.

Make sure you can hear the game. As mentioned before, headphones are the recommended way to listen to Counter-Strike as you play, but turning off music and playing in a quiet environment helps, too.


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