Gets Redesigned Mobile Homepage

Bing Mobile Homepage

If you are using as your default homepage or search engine for your mobile phone, then you will see a new interface when you load the website on an Android or iOS browser. The new homepage is completely redesigned for mobile experience and brings number of features.

The new UI will have a swipe-up card layout and a translucent color scheme. When you swipe up the translucent card at the bottom, you will get number of options. That includes “Popular Now” section that displays the latest news and stories related to you and your location. For those who are part of “Earn and Explore” will see a Bing Rewards Card that show your status. Other features include the Image of the Day card that displays the info about the website’s daily background. This feature is already available in the desktop version for a long time. (In desktop version, you get the info of the background image by clicking the info bottom at the bottom right.) The Bing team also included an easy way to change your Safe Search Settings and feedback link.

The new homepage is already available globally and you can Visit today on your iPhone or Android smartphone to try it out.

Source: Bing Blogs

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