Bendgate Issue Started Again On iPhone 6

Bendgate Issue Started Again With More Intense On iPhone 6

Apple hasnt admit it but it seems to be problem with bending iPhone 6 Plus models, as hundreds of users have posted now pictures of their bent iPhone 6 online.

The Bendgate controversy has started again; now an Apple fan posted pictures on Reddit, saying dont believe the hype. Redditor martybell says that their iPhone 6 got bent after three weeks of light use in which the device was carried around in both front and back pants pockets, although the user insists that they always took the device out of their pockets before sitting down.

The user also claimed that the phone bent despite the fact that they put a thin metal bumper case around it and that they didnt remember putting an undue amount of force on it

A new website called “One of the Nine” is refuting Apple’s claim, however. It’s uploading hundreds of pictures of bent iPhone 6 and 6 Plus units from (350 still we posted this news) claiming they haven’t done anything to deliberately warp the device.

In a blog post on the site, the anonymous founder of “One of the Nine” insists the website began as a “tongue in cheek” way to “find those nine people.” But after receiving far more submissions, he realized the issue may be bigger than Apple is letting on.


“We are most definitely not anti-Apple though and I am a massive Apple product user myself and an iPhone 6 Plus owner (yes… it bent),” the website’s founder wrote in the blog post. “We are raising awareness of the issue to get Apple to take responsibility for the problems. Currently they are rejecting most customers who complain about a bent phone and calling them liars when they state that it happened through carrying it normally in their pockets.”

“One of the Nine” has brushed off these accusations and reactions for now, and has continued to publish any submissions they receive both on their website and via Twitter.

“I am really pleased with some of the messages that have come in from users who have been able to use the reports on the site to help convince Apple to replace their defective phones,” the founder said. “The rate of bent phones coming in continues to grow daily.”


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