Be Epic Miner On Minecraft


Be Epic Miner On Minecraft

You may be tired of finding coal in Minecraft, so you want some real ores and others, you can be an epic miner in Minecraft, follow the simple steps below

Start a NEW world, not necessary, but recommended

Once you start, you’ll need about a stack (64) of wood

Once you’ve got the wood, make a crafting bench, and only a wooden pickaxe

Mine some stone, about 7, make a shovel, pickaxe, and an axe(You’ll need wood later on)

Chop some wood, and start mining.

Once you have iron, you should start smelting it right away, you can only mine iron with a stone pickaxe, only gold, diamonds, and redstone with an iron/diamond pickaxe gold pickaxes ARE NOT GOOD!

Once your satisfied with all your stuff, just sore it in chests and smelt gold and iron ore!

Have fun with all of the stuff you can make now!


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