Apple Will Offer AppleCare Service Through BestBuy


A recent report claims that Apple has agreed to offer both the standard AppleCare protection plan for Macs and the more premium AppleCare+ for iPhones, iPads, and the Apple Watch through Best Buy stores.

BestBuy will begin selling AppleCare plans in its stores at checkout around the week of September 14, just ahead of the iPhone 6S launch. This makes BestBuy as the one of the only retailers, aside from select U.S. carriers, to offer AppleCare outside of an Apple Store.

The AppleCare plans sold through Best Buy is similar to Apple version, but they will also combine in Best Buy’s standard warranty. Customers who purchase an Apple product along with AppleCare through Best Buy will be able to service their devices either directly via Apple or through Best Buy itself.

Apple iPhone 6S will likely go on sale around mid-September following a September 9 debut, and the newly added presence of AppleCare at Best Buy will improve the buying experience for some of those buying a new iPhone outside of an Apple Store.

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